Kondisi Geografis Desa Bedono

Bedono Village Demographics

Kenje Village is a coastal area above sea level which is located ± 32 KM from the district capital. Kenje Village has an area of ​​256 Ha which consists of 4 hamlets namely Kampung Baru, Ujung Baru, Lapeo Kenje, Galung which is inhabited by approximately 3415 (Three thousand four hundred and fifteen) people and 826 (Eight hundred and twenty six) families.

Kenje Village is located on the boundary of its territory

• To the north it is bordered by Lapeo . Village

• To the south, it is bordered by Pappang Kelurahan Village

• To the east, it is bordered by Pappang Kelurahan Village

• In the west it is bordered by Suruang Village

Most of the residents of Kenje Village are farmers, fishermen, while for the livestock sector, some people make goats and chickens as additional work

Some people also often use secondary crops such as corn, cassava, vegetables, which are estimated to be ±42 hectares, while the education and health facilities in Kenje village are; Al-Ihsan Kenje Islamic Boarding School, PKBM fruit for health facilities there are 1 Puskesdes and 4 posyandu, for religious facilities there are 4 mosques, for security facilities there is 1 kamling post.

Kenje Village which has 4 hamlets, so the population is quite dense. In 2019 the recorded population reached 3,415 people (Three Thousand Four Hundred and Fifteen Souls) spread over 4 Hamlets



The climate of Kenje Village, like other villages in Indonesia, has a dry and rainy climate, this has a direct influence on the cropping pattern in Kenje Village, Campalagian District.